Introduction: We have introduced a new parameter called "Default Case Name" in the System Settings configuration having the below-mentioned format values
- F Name-L Name- Case Number: It will append First name Last Name and Case Number automatically from the Case detail page
- F Name-L Name - Person Identifier: It will append First name and Last Name and an auto-generated Person Identifier
- F Name-L Name - DOB: It will append the Date of Birth after First name and Last Name.
- F Name-L Name - DOB - Case Number: It will append DOB and Case Number after First name and Last Name.
- F Name-L Name: It will append SSN after First name and Last Name.
Navigate to Street Admin > System Settings and search the "Default Case Name" parameter.
Click Save button
The parameter value is saved successfully.
1. F Name-L Name- Case Number: It will append Case Number after Case Name.
Click on the Action button and select "Case Name - Case Number"
Navigate to Cases and Click Add Case button
Enter Case Name and Case Number including other mandatory fields on Case Detail Screen
Click the Save button on Case Detail Screen
Observe that a new case is created with the format " Case Name - Case Number "
Note: Once the case is created Case Number field on the Client Detail panel becomes read-only.
Repeat the same steps for other remaining formats for Case name
2. Case Name - Person Identifier: It will append an auto-generated Person Identifier after Case Name.
3. Case Name - DOB: It will append the Date of Birth after Case Name.
4. Case Name - DOB - Case Number: It will append DOB and Case Number after Case Name.
5. Case Name - SSN: It will append SSN after Case Name