1. To edit a worker, click on the Case Workers icon on the left navigation panel. It will take you to the Worker directory main screen when you find all the workers created in the system.
2. Hover over the worker's name and it will give you a clickable link to get into the worker's profile.
3. After landing on the worker's profile you will find an Edit button in the top right corner. Click on it to edit the worker's information.
4. When you are in Edit mode, click on each section to edit information. All the sections are well explained in How to Add a Case Worker.
5. All the fields and tabs are editable, simply click on them to change them and enter new information.
6. Email cannot be changed. Worker's accounts are created on emails, once an email is created it cannot be duplicated or edited. If you have a problem with emails you can always contact PlanStreet for help.
7. Click on the Save button at the bottom to save any changes you made to the worker's information.
How to Delete a worker
- Click on Delete Icon.
For deleting any worker simply follow the steps to open the worker's directory. You will find a Delete icon on the top right of every worker tile. Just click on the icon and your worker will be deleted. Remember we have a soft delete functionality for Workers so the deleted workers are shown as striked through
2. Confirmation dialog is open, Click on "yes, delete it!"
3. Worker is soft deleted from the system and marked as inactive.
4. Hover the mouse on worker name and click on hyperlink
5. Click on the Edit button in the right top corner
6. Change the status of the worker to Active if you want to allow access to the worker to log in Planstreet.
7. Click the Save button to update the changes.