1. Select Case Workers on the left navigation panel to open Workers Directory main page.
2. Click ‘Add Workers’ to create new case workers.
You will be directed to the 'Add Profile' page where you need to provide information about the case worker. Add Profile has four sections,
- Personal Details
- Work Details
- Skills & Certifications
- Approval Details
Personal Details
Provide the personal information for the new individual in the Personal Details screen. This consists of two pages, use the arrow at the bottom left to slide to the second page.
1. The first page of personal details is basic information about the worker.
- Name: Provide the individual's First and Last Name. You can also provide their Middle Name/Middle Initial, and a Display name if it is different than the First Name + Last Name.
- Roles: Select the ‘Roles’ that the individual has in your organization. All the permissions and access are controlled by the roles and a person could have multiple roles in an organization.
- Contact Number: Provide the individual's contact number. You may provide your work, home, or mobile number in the available fields.
- Email Address: Provide the individual's ‘Email’ address. Depending on how your PlanStreet Solution Administrator has configured the application, this email is used to send notifications to the individual regarding their activity assignments.
- Date: The ‘Start Date’ is defaulted to the beginning of the current year but can be changed to reflect the actual start date. It should be noted that the ‘Start Date’ cannot be greater than today’s date. The ‘End Date’ can be set at the time an individual is being added if they are a contract worker or are available to projects for a specified length of time.
- Rates: If you are using the PlanStreet Solution’s cost and profit features, provide the individual’s hourly cost rate and their external charge rate.
2. You can add a picture of the individual by clicking on the ‘profile’ image and picking a .JPG or .PNG file from your computer.
3. Click the Next Page arrow to add address and miscellaneous additional information about the individual. None of the additional information is required. You do not need to click ‘Save’ before proceeding to the next page.
4. The second page of personal details has the following fields;
- Worker Type: Identify the worker type of the individual being added. Three worker types are pre-defined in the PlanStreet Solution but your organization can add other types as needed. Worker Type is used for determining which screen is displayed first when an individual login to the application.
- Rate Title: Identify the Rate Title of the individual being added. This information can be used in combining report data of several individuals with the same Rate Title regardless of their role on projects.
- Country, State, City, Current Location and Current Time Zone support ‘type ahead’ so you do not need to scroll through hundreds of entries to get select the country in which the individual lives. Once a country is selected the remaining selections are filtered for that country. You do need to select the Current Time Zone to be applied when scheduling the individual for meetings.
- Address: You can provide the address manually as well.
- Description: You can provide any additional information about the individual here.
- Click the Previous Page Arrow to return to the first page. Note that the data selected on this screen is not lost if you return to the previous screen.
5. Click on the arrow at the right bottom to go back to the first page.
Work Detail
1. Click on the Work Detail section from the top section bar.
2. Provide additional organizational information about the individual on the Work Detail page.
- Division / Department: Select the applicable Division and Department as defined by your PlanStreet Administrator.
- Designation: Select Designation from a pre-populated list.
- Employee Type: Assign Employment Type as Full Time or Part Time.
Skills and Certifications
1. Click on the Skills and Certifications section from the top section bar.
2. On the Skills & Certifications Page, you can identify all the skills and certifications the individual has.
- Select the Skills and Certifications from a list of skills and certifications that your organization has built over time via this screen. If the skill or certification does not appear on the list, add it by typing it in the appropriate field, hit Enter and it will be added to the list. You may want to establish some standards around how skills and certificates are identified to avoid duplication. For example, you may choose to use your industry’s known acronyms or fully write out the entry, or a combination of both.
Approval Detail
1. Click on the Approval Detail section from the top section bar.
2. On the approval detail page identify the manager and approver(s) for the new resource.
- Supervisor Manager: Select a supervisor manager for the new worker from the list of workers already existing in your organization.
This information defaults to the person who is adding the new worker.
- Click on About section from the top section bar.
- Worker professional biography can be entered in this section.
To save the worker, click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the screen and then ‘OK’ on the confirmation screen. After successfully adding the worker, you will be taken to the individual’s Profile Page.