The editor is accessible for case notes and comments, as illustrated below in Screenshots 1 and 2. Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2
Menu bar features:1) Heading:Select which heading to apply.
2) Bold:Select the text you want to make bold. 3: Italic:Select the text you want to italicize. 4) Link:Insert a link (Screenshot 3 & 3a) or select text you want to create a link for (Screenshot 4). Screenshot 3 Screenshot 3a Screenshot 4 Select the text you want to link, select the "Link" icon and select the green check. Screenshot 4a
5) Bullet pointsAdd bullet points to your content. 6) Numbering listAdd number lists to your content. 7) Decrease IndentReduce the indent of your text, paragraph, etc. 8) Increase IndentIncrease the indent of your text, paragraph, etc. 9) Block Quote Add block quotation to your content. 10) Add Rows and ColumnsAdd rows and columns to your content. 11) UndoUndo your last change or changes 12) RedoRedo a change or changes to your content. 13) Font Color - BackgroundChange the color of the selected font background. 14) Font Color - TextChange the font color of your content or selected text. 15) Font FamilyChange the font family for your content or selected text. 16) Font Text SizeChange the font text size of your content or selected text. 17) UnderlineUnderline your content or selected text. 18) Page breakAdd a page break to your content 19) Accessibility HelpThis feature provides information regarding content editing keystrokes, keystrokes that can be used when a widget is selected (for example, an image, table, etc.), keystrokes that can be used in a list or table, and user interface and content navigation keystrokes.
20) Text AlignmentAlign your content or selected text. 21) Select AllAffords a user the ability to select all their contact with one button click. |