This component can act as a Boolean. With a checkbox, you can only check one option from all the other options. You can also set the position of the checkboxes using the label position option.
Display Tab:
- Label: You can place the title or name in this component.
- Label Position: In this setting, you can adjust the position of the component name and label.
- Label Width: In this setting, you can adjust the width of the component name and label.
- Label Margin: In this setting, you can adjust the margins of the component name and label.
- Placeholder: In this setting, you can place text that will appear in the field when it's empty.
- Description: In the description field, you can enter text that will appear under the Input field.
- Tooltip: Entering data here will create a tooltip icon on the field.
- Prefix: In this setting, you can enter predefined text to show before a field.
- Suffix: In this setting, you can enter predefined text to show after a field.
- Widget: This setting is the display UI used to place the value in the field.
- Input Mask: In this setting, a user can predefine a format required in the field. For example, a phone number input mask would be (999) 999-9999, and the system will only allow numbers to be entered in this field. There are 3 input masks available: Numeric (insert "9"), Alphabetical (insert "a"), Alphanumeric (insert "*").
- Custom CSS Class: In this setting, you can add a CSS class. Multiple classes can be added, and class names should be separated by spaces.
- Tab Index: The Tab Index setting indicates which element in a form can be focused and which cannot. It works as a global attribute and provides 3 different results depending on the integer. A Negative Integer (-1) indicates that the elements are unfocused and unreachable by sequential navigation. Zero Integer (0) indicates that the elements are focused and can be reached with sequential navigation. A Positive Integer (1) functions like the zero integer but allows setting an order depending on the number.
- Hidden: Enabling this setting will hide your field from view when the form is extracted.
- Hide Label: In this component, you can hide the label or name. Sometimes you only need the component field and not the label; hide label is used for that purpose.
- Show Word Counter: You can enable this field if you want to have a live count of the number of words.
- Show Character Counter: You can enable this field if you want to have a live count of the number of characters.
- Hide Input: Enabling this setting will hide the data entered when you view the form on the front-end browser.
- Initial Focus: Enabling this setting can make the field initially focused. Please note that only one field or component can be the initial focus in a form.
- Allow Spellcheck: Enabling this setting will allow the field to mark misspelled words.
- Disabled: Enabling this setting will disable the component in the form.
- Table View: When this setting is enabled, the data on this component will only show up in the Submission list of the table view.
Data Tab:
- Multiple Values: If you enable this setting, you can add multiple values in the field. By clicking the "Add Another" button, you can add more values, and they will form an array.
- Default Values: The default value (if given) will be the value in the text field unless the user enters it manually. If you use a default value, you can no longer use placeholder settings.
- Persistent: If you enable this setting, your data will not appear in the properties.
- Input Format: With this setting, you can obtain output from this field in 3 different formats: Plain, HTML, and Raw (insecure). You can select your desired format.
- Protected: If you do not want to show the input value in properties when queried by API, you can enable this setting.
- Database Index: If you select this setting, it will create an index within the database, which will improve performance when queries are submitted.
- Text Case: You can set the text case of the field to mixed, uppercase, and lowercase as default.
- Encrypted: Encrypt this field on the server. It is two-way encryption and is not appropriate for passwords. This setting is only available on the 'Enterprise' project plan.
- Redraw On: With this option, you can link or connect another component; you can redraw a component if the other component is updated.
- Clear Value When Hidden: As the name suggests, the value of this field will be cleared if the hidden option is selected.
- Calculate Value on Server: As the name suggests, if you select this setting, it will run calculations on your server.
- Allow Manual Override of Calculated Value: As the name suggests, if you select this setting, it will allow you to override the calculated values.
Validation Tab:
- Validate On: Selecting this setting will determine when to allow front-end validation of the component. It provides two options to choose from: Change and Blur.
- Required: Enabling this setting will make this component mandatory, and the user cannot submit the form without filling this component.
- Unique: Enabling this setting will help the user understand that this information has not been provided before while submitting the form.
- Minimum Length: In this setting, you can define the minimum limit required in this field.
- Maximum Length: In this setting, you can define the maximum limit required in this field.
- Minimum Word Length: In this setting, you can define the minimum word limit required in this field.
- Maximum Word Length: In this setting, you can define the maximum word limit required in this field.
- Regular Expression Pattern: This setting will check the value in the field before the user can submit the form.
- Error Label: With this setting, you can enter text that will be displayed when the field displays an error message.
- Custom Error Message: In this setting, you can enter the error message that will be displayed to the user if any error occurs while filling out the form.
- Property Name: In this setting, you can provide the name of the field in the API endpoint.
- Field Tags: Enter tags for the field that can be used in custom logic.
- Custom Properties: Enter any custom properties to configure this component in this setting.
Conditional Tab:
- This component should Display: In this setting, you can choose "True and False" if this component should display.
- When the form component: In this setting, you can choose if you want the component to be displayed after it is submitted.
- Has the value: In this setting, you can choose the value of the component when it will be hidden or displayed.
- Advanced Logic:
- HTML Attributes: In this setting, you can enter HTML attributes map for component input.
Let's create a new Checkbox Component. Click on the Checkbox Component button and drag it onto the Form Creation screen. It will open the Checkbox Component settings window.
- In the picture below, we created a simple Checkbox Component with the main elements. We enter the name of the Label in the first field.
- In the Label Width and Margin, we set the size of the label. You can increase or decrease the size and position by adjusting the percentages.
- Click on "Save" to create the Checkbox Component.
Finally, this is how the “Checkbox” component will appear on the form.