This component can be used for grouping other components, such as Text Field, Text Area, Checkbox, etc., into configurable columns. It might be useful if you want to display more than one component in a single line.
- 1 row has 12 columns. If you use more than 12 columns, it will move the control to the next line.
- Using this component, you can place more than 1 control in a row, and your form will look like this.
Display Tab:
- Label: You can place the title or name in this component.
- Column Properties: Here, you can configure the number of columns that will be displayed in a form and specify the size, width, offset, push, and pull settings for each column. When configured, you can easily rearrange the columns using the drag & drop feature without the need to start from scratch.
- Auto Adjust Columns: If all the nested components inside one of the columns are hidden, all the other columns' positions will be adjusted.
- Hide Column when Children Hidden: Check this option if you would like to hide any column when the children within that column are also hidden.
- Custom CSS Class: In this setting, you can add a CSS class. Multiple classes can be added, and class names should be separated by only a space.
- Hidden: Enabling this setting will hide your field from view when the form is extracted.
- Hide Label: In this component, you can hide the label or name. Sometimes you only need the component field and not the label; hide label is used for that purpose.
- Table View: When this setting is enabled, the data on this component will only show up in the Submission list of the table view.
API Tab:
- Property Name: In this setting, you can provide the name of the field in the API endpoint.
- Field Tags: In this setting, you can enter the tags for the field that can be used in custom logic.
- Custom Properties: In this setting, you can enter any custom properties to configure this component.
Conditional Tab:
- This component should Display: In this setting, you can choose "True and False" if this component should display.
- When the form component: In this setting, you can choose if you want the component to be displayed after it is submitted.
- Has the value: In this setting, you can choose the value of the component when it will be hidden or displayed.
Layout Tab:
- HTML Attributes: In this setting, you can enter HTML attributes map for the component's input.