This component allows the creation of tabs for grouping different sets of components. To switch between tabs, there is a navigation bar with tab buttons, each of which opens an appropriate tab with a set group of components. Only one tab at a time displays in a rendered form.
Display Tab:
- Label: You can place the title or name in this component.
- Tabs: A data grid that allows adding, configuring, reordering, and removing tabs.
- Custom CSS Class: In this setting, you can add a CSS class. Multiple classes can be added, and class names should be separated by only a space.
- Hidden: Enabling this setting will hide your field from view when the form is extracted.
- Table View: When this setting is enabled, the data on this component will only show up in the Submission list of the table view.
API Tab:
- Property Name: In this setting, you can provide the name of the field in the API endpoint.
- Field Tags: In this setting, you can enter the tags for the field that can be used in custom logic.
- Custom Properties: In this setting, you can enter any custom properties to configure this component.
Conditional Tab:
- This component should Display: In this setting, you can choose "True and False" if this component should display.
- When the form component: In this setting, you can choose if you want the component to be displayed after it is submitted.
- Has the value: In this setting, you can choose the value of the component when it will be hidden or displayed.
Layout Tab:
- HTML Attributes: In this setting, you can enter HTML attributes map for the component's input.