This component is used to perform various actions like (Submit, Save, Reset, etc.)
- Label: Enter the name of the button.
- Action: Specify the action it performs by selecting from the dropdown list.
- Theme: Change the color theme of the button.
- Size: Select the size of the button.
- Block Button: Check this option if you want to create this button as a full-width button.
Display Tab:
- Label: You can place the title or name in this component.
- Action: In this setting, you can select the action you want this button to perform. You can choose the action from the dropdown list.
- Theme: With this selection, you can choose the theme for the button.
- Size: With this selection, you can choose the size for the button.
- Block Button: Checkmark this option if you want to create this button as a full-line button.
- Left Icon: In this setting, you can provide the full icon class string for the icon.
- Right Icon: In this setting, you can provide the full icon class string for the icon.
- Shortcut: In this setting, you can select the shortcut for this component.
- Description: In the description field, you can enter text that will appear under the Input Field.
- Description: In the description field, you can enter text that will appear under the Input field.
- Tooltip: Entering data here will create a tooltip icon on the field.
- Custom CSS Class: In this setting, you can add a CSS class. Multiple classes can be added, and class names should be separated by spaces.
- Tab Index: The Tab Index setting indicates which element in a form can be focused and which cannot. It works as a global attribute and provides 3 different results depending on the integer. A Negative Integer (-1) indicates that the elements are unfocused and unreachable by sequential navigation. Zero Integer (0) indicates that the elements are focused and can be reached with sequential navigation. A Positive Integer (1) functions like the zero integer but allows setting an order depending on the number.
- Disable on Form Invalid: By enabling this setting it will make this field disabled if the form is invalid.
- Hidden: Enabling this setting will hide your field from view when the form is extracted.
- Hide Label: In this component, you can hide the label or name. Sometimes you only need the component field and not the label; hide label is used for that purpose.
- Disabled: Enabling this setting will disable the component from the form.
- Table View: When this setting is enabled, the data on this component will only show up in the Submission list of the table view.
- Property Name: In this setting, you can provide the name of the field in the API endpoint.
- Field Tags: Enter tags for the field that can be used in custom logic.
- Custom Properties: Enter any custom properties to configure this component in this setting.
Conditional Tab:
- This component should Display: In this setting, you can choose "True and False" if this component should display.
- When the form component: In this setting, you can choose if you want the component to be displayed after it is submitted.
- Has the value: In this setting, you can choose the value of the component when it will be hidden or displayed.
- Advanced Logic:
- HTML Attributes: In this setting, you can enter HTML attributes map for component input.
Let's create a new Button Component. Click on the Button Component and drag it onto the Form Creation screen. It will open the Button settings window.
- In the picture below, we created a simple Button with the main elements. We entered the name of the Label in the first field.
- In the Action field, we set the action that this button must perform.
- In the Theme, we selected the "info" theme from the dropdown list.
- In the Size field, we can set the size of the button.
- Click on "Save" to create the Button Component.
Finally, this is how the “Button” component will appear on the form.