On the Attendance Screen, click on the edit Icon, it will redirect the user to Edit Enrolment Screen
On the enrollment screen, you will have the drop-down to select values from the following options
- Activities: It will show all the activities which reside under the Program having the Attendance Check set to True/Enabled.
- Instructor: It will show all the Caseworkers as part of the team selected on Case Detail.
- Topic: It will show the Topics created under Activity.
- Client: Active Cases in the system enrolled in Interaction.
- Start Date: Start date of interactions
- End Date: End Date of Interactions
- Week Days: class times of each interaction
Update the Activity [Subject], Instructor [Case Worker], Topic, Client [Student], Enrollment date range, and weekly schedule from the dropdown and click the Save button to update the details, if the user clicks on Cancel Button then the changes will not be updated and the system retains the previous values.
As soon as Instructor enrolled against the Activity, the system will automatically create an activity against the respective program under Case Board with all the details.